Name: Scion Race: Lizardman Age: 32 Gender: Male Profession/Role/Position: He is a former mercenary assassin for most anti-government terrorist groups. Appearance: He is a humanoid lizard creature with a face similar to a Velociraptor's. He has a darting tongue. Long scaly tail. Purple eyes. He wears a long sleeved cloak with a hood, darkening his face. Equipment: His cloak is filled with various small items such as small flash grenades, smoke grenades, and some small throwing weapons. He also has a silenced sniper rifle which he doesnt often take with him during asassinations due to the extra weight. His main weapons however are a pair of energy blades. Titanium blades that create energy strips along the edges of the blade so it can cut through even softer metals spretty quickly. Scion however relies on finding weak spots on his victim like an uncovered part at the neck or an opening in his helmet,rather than brute force stabbing. Implants: His assassin blades are implanted just below his wrists so he can readily use them. Magic: Lizardmen are experts in poisons, enchanting daggers and stealth. Scion was briefly trained in the art of stealth magic, allowing him to turn invisible if he stays still in a dark spot. He has a poisonous bite that slowly kills his victim if he doesnt get any treatment. He himself is immune to poisons and drug effects. Personality: Very cold and quiet. Bitter experiences caused him to be bitter aswell. He fights against the government but hates the fact that innocents have to be caught in the way, causing him to quit from the terrorist organisations. He is a swift killer and doesnt think twice about stabbing someone in the head when needed but prefers to escape from forces such as the police. He believes the police are just as innocent as the rest and want to protect their homes and families from extremists. Bio: He was born in the big city, among the crowd. His family was poor and died when he was very young. He still doesnt know how. He had to steal to survive. He quickly learned to get out of sight and quickly disappeared. He went from group to group, who took advantage of his abilities and used his first as a spy, then as an assassin. After the attack on the Mayor, with all the suicides and lives lost, he decided to quit once and for all. Misc: Company/Organization: he is now looking for an Anti-Gorvernmental group that will try to protect the common people and only hurt the government without sacrificing lives.