Flint listened to the recruits, the promoter wasn't such a newbie after all but the initiator might be a problem. The initiator raised her hand. Flint assumed this was some kind of warning signal that she smelt something. Flint waited, his eyes flickering around when suddenly Yuki dropped in front of him, and began to angrily speak to Flint. Flint took Yuki's scolding lightly. "I was testing your tracking abilities" He joked, as they got to the warehouse entrance. "Well here it is. The report came from here, I will be on the roof opposite" Flint pointed to a roof across the street, from that point he could see through the glass windows on the roof of the warehouse. "You wont even know im there... Yuki you will be there with me watching as well." Flint paused so the recruits would take in what he was saying. "Your task is to investigate the area and destroy any gastrea you may find. I will be on that roof with my rifle but I will not be saving you.." At that Flint looked to Yuki then back to the group "Good luck." He said nodding to them then turning to walk to the tall building next door.