Dropping the bloody towel into the thrash, Adam turned back to the kids still standing in the room. "First off, that is not my girlfriend. I do not even know who she is. She was some lone wolf who got too close to me and was pulled to an alpha. There was no way she could have kept running. Second, I keep-" "My name is Avril. I would prefer if you would stop calling me she." Avril, now in human form and completely naked cut Adam off. "Also, would you be so kind, Marrok, to lend me your jacket since it is you that make me change back." She crossed her arms and glared at Adam with defiance despite the high title she called him. Adam shrugged off his jacket and draped over her shoulders. "As I was saying before Avril interrupted," he continued, "wait... Avril? Paul's daughter?" The woman he just promised to marry? "Yes." Came her curt reply as she pulled the jacket closer around her body to hide it. "He calls you blood bag because you allow a blood sucker to feed off of you whenever he wants. It is a term we werewolves use to describe humans that vampires keep around to feed from so that they don't have to go find new prey every night. You are a walking blood bag." Avril directed at Amanda then turned to Adam. "Why are you staring at me?" "Nothing." Adam looked away, deciding that if he told her who he was that she would run again.