I'd prefer for Fallout 4 to be set somewhere new.
Cpt Toellner said
The midwest needs some Fallout action.
Jster said
While it would most likely end up in Chicago I would love to play a Midwest Fallout.Particularly Ohio. But that's my bias.
Cpt Toellner said
Nah man, middle of nowhere Wisconsin.
Jster said
But imagine a story centered on the conflict of two mega cities. Cleveland and Detroit.Neither was destroyed in the war because no one deemed them important enough to destroy.
Cpt Toellner said
I would play anything that gave me a chance to sack Detroit.
The Nexerus said
Holy shit the main questline is so short
Imperfectionist said
Do you have the add-ons (or GOTY edition)? Cause yeah, without them the game can feel a little... Incomplete. Broken Steel especially.And, well, there a Fallout game set in the Midwest (including Chicago, but also St. Louis and several other Midwest cities and areas) called Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel (PC, 2001), but it wasn't quite the same as Fallout and Fallout 2... Not as much an RPG, much more an RTS-ish tactical combat game. AND BethSoft has declared it mostly non-canon, because it contradicts elements from the original two games.Granted, I declare Fallout 3 mostly non-canon on similar grounds, but that's neither here nor there.EDIT: Oh, and Fallout 3 had Pittsburgh in it (called "The Pitt")... Does that count?
Imperfectionist said
:P Better than nothing, though, right? I mean, there's never been a Fallout game in the Northeast (until 4), nor the Southeast (where I live). The best we Southerners have is Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (not to be confused with Fallout Tactics, Xbox/Ps2, 2004), which is set in ... Nothing against Texas, but it ain't East of the Mississippi.