Although forbidden from actually retaliating, [url=]Johan could still prepare[/url]. Modding and enchanting any armors, bikes, and weapons of Underhill members he could find time for, and even improving the doors to make what happened the day before end very badly for the Yakuza, in case they ever planned to follow-up their little Hiroshima with a bit of Nagasaki. His focus was more on deterrence and defense than outfitting them with the biggest guns on the block, but he would often make exceptions for the older heads of the club. Largest was in handloading enchanted ammunitions and giving out about a single magazine's worth to each member. Amongst the most premium loads offered was a pistol-cartridge buffed to have the hitting-power of a rifle, and would cast several magic-bullets upon firing... while remaining completely silent without a flash from the shooter's perspective, but a flashbang from the target's perspective. Making the primer cast an enchanted-mirror upon firing was the hardest part. The armors were a bit more unique to individuals, and so took longer. The simplest ones were to eliminate the armor from rustling underneath clothing, and to make it lighter and more comfortable to wear constantly; more advanced enchantments melded the armors into their hides. Currently the bikes were often made alternately quieter or louder than normal, it was found simpler to enchant things if one followed Newtonian laws of equal and opposite reactions on other similar items. As such, there was a vast quantity of 'training ammo' that actually seemed to heal people; not that he'd recommend it, one misfiled cartridge could ruin a man's day. The night before was also Mr Smith's turn to lock-down the bar, which made sense because of all the new lockdown-runes he carved into the walls. Over time the symbols would age and weather out of existence, but for now, they were fresh, clean, and crisp; strong. He made sure to seal all but one door in the back, which instead relied on normal locks and a thick reinforced-door in case he had to let someone in without dropping the lockdown. He sat opposite this door, shotgun pointing at it.