Eve was already up in the kitchen when VITA started waking the others. She'd caught word that they'd be upto heavy phyisical activity this morning, the like of which she wouldn't be able to do long if she wasn't patched up properly. So, sat on the cold tiled floor in nothing but a tank top and briefs, she sewed, knitting extra temporary strength into her patchwork body. She'd had rather done it in the privacy of her own room but there wasn't the apparatus to keep the needle clean and sterile there and thus had little choice. It was something she'd have to ask about. There was something very theruoputic about suturing one's own legs and arms, once you'd gotten use the pain, the repetitive action was soothing and the knowledge that someone was going seperate your forearm from your elbow in a particularly rough throw was reassuring to her, and certainly reassuring to the opponent. Considering VITA was only just beginning to get people out of bed, she'd probably finish before she was intruded upon and they'd have to see such a deranged sight before breakfast. A couple more stitches and... There! Done. Time to get dressed properly. Eve slinked out of the kitchen and with her metallic dish and needle in one hand, gave a quick embarrassed wave to the party that had already congregated in the living room. Back in her room, Eve swiftly slipped into her plain black leotard, the legs of which were cut straight across. She tied her hair up in a bun so it couldn't get in the way. Make up was a thing of the past, any attempt of obscuring the nature of her skin drew vastly more attention too it, it simply wasn't designed with people like herself in mind. Slip-on shoes on she was ready for action when she caught her reflection in the mirror. "Spiral Arrow! Cannon Spike!" Yeah, this really wasn't Eve at all, she was much more used to being covered up and looked less like a street fighter character, it was a bit embarassing really. But it was what superheroes wear and it wouldn't impeed her ability to use blood as armour if necessary like her ordinary clothes do, so she'd have to get used to it. But not quite right now, now she was sociallising, not training. She threw a hoodie on over the top and immediately felt a bit better. She stolled back into the living room. The topic of conversation was still Nathan, the poor thing, Eve thought it would be nice to let him catch a break and introduce himself as he really is. "Its good to see you're ok, Nathan, I hope you're alright for today's activities." "Oh, we didn't get the chance to talk yesterday, you can call me Stitches." She paused again "Do you think one of you tall, strong boys could get me down the bagels in the kitchen? I've been up since 5 with nothing to eat and fancied them ever since I laid my eyes on them, but I can't reach."