Nathan was enjoying his conversation with the girl named Linn, as he discovered. Telling her about how, as a "Vessel of Rage" he was basically just, a fire. With his anger being the fuel. The more rage, the more powerful he became at the cost of his own health. Just than, Nathan heard some commotion from the kitchen and out came a girl that Nathan hadn't recognized, but from the way she carried herself and from the way she was talking all pointed to one conclusion, [i]"Alpha Bitch"[/i]. He new their type, he had seen dozens of them while in the underground fighting rings that ran rampant in Alaska. Clinging to their cocky "boyfriends" like flies on shit, then promptly dumping them on the floor when Nathan punched their teeth in. As she strode by, eating the bagels that one girl wanted and talking smack, Nathan had the tall tale feeling of his blood boiling. Quite literally as a matter of fact. Walking up to the girl,Nathan noticed a blur but ignored it, focusing on her instead. As Nathan got to her he said, " I don't know who pissed in your cheerios, but were do you come off being a total dick just so you can get some god damn bagels? Were in the same boat here and burning all your bridges is going to get you killed, NOT asking someone to get you some food." As Nathans anger started to claw back to the surface, his veins started to do the glowy thing again and the air around him began to get uncomfortably hot.