Avis had kept to herself oddly enough that entire night. She was frankly jet lagged and exhausted from the long trip from her home to be bothered to try to interact with anyone. Thus she took it upon herself to say goodnight to the friendly A.I. and go to bed immediately.... Though for the night, she could hardly sleep. It was odd, now living in a place like this. She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering about her future. "Well here I am... Sanctum... With plenty of potential allies... and enemies to make... Fuck I need to get some sleep...." she rolled over and closed her eyes... -EERRRRRT ERRRRRRRRT ERRRRRT- Avis's eyes slowly opened and she gave out a loud groan. "UUuuuuuuuughhhhh....... Noooo..... Not this early......" Like some sort of jello, she rolled out of bed, then dragged herself to the bathroom. She wore only her tank top and sweat pants, her short hair a tangled mess as she slowly began to brush her teeth and wash her face. Avis arrived in the kitchen, her uniform somewhat sloppily put on and her hair still messy. Though she was her normal self instead of the night before, no odd animal features and normal yellow eyes. "Coffee...." was all she muttered to herself as she slouched pass her fellow teammates. When she walked pass Cora, however, she simply mumbled in a groggy, tired tone, "Biiiiitch...." Avis walked to the coffee machine in the kitchen and began to get a cup of her beloved energy drink. Glancing around, she casually observed her team while taking a sip from her drink. After a long swig, she set cup down and sighed. "Too....early... for this bullshit..." was all she mumbled before walking out the kitchen with her coffee and a piece of bread she had grabbed. Avis sat down on the couch decided to relax and enjoy her small breakfast in peace. Her late night made this morning particularly hard on this typical teen, so she wanted a little time to herself in the morning.