"No...no....no.." Ming moaned in what must have been pure agony, even her super strength couldn't hold the pillow tight enough to her head to stop the ringing. She was going to punch that stupid robot, virtu-whatever the hell it is! Deciding that there was no choice in the matter, and that she'd probably end up screwing herself over if she didn't get up, MIng rose out of bed. As she slowly stood, like a person rising from a grave, she felt a sickening rumble in her stomach. She was starving, and for a Titan starving meant life-or-death, intestine twisting, stomach aching hunger. They naturally had faster metabolisms. She didn't even care about brushing her teeth, as she made her way to her suitcase. She had packed tons of candy, food she figured wouldn't be here at the base, though they seemed to have an array of junk foods much to her surprise. She reached into the suitcase, finally pulling out chocolate pocky sticks. Normally, she'd eat one at a time, but it was too early for formality, she thought as she stuffed around five in her mouth, crunching down as she moaned in joyous food nirvana. She could also really go for some orange juice, so she decided to head out into the kitchen. She was greeted by almost the entire team, up and out of bed. They all seemed to be interacting. "Jesus..." she muttered to herself, "this is a nightmare...". Slowly, with a zombie like gait Ming headed to the fridge, before finding herself some OJ. She poured herself a glass before heading to the table where Press had been sitting. Taking a large gulp of the drink, Ming let out a small burp, "Heh.." she chuckled to herself. -- Feng like Ming, had been in a deep sleep when Vita's alarm went off, Feng took a bit too wake up from it. Finally getting up, Feng wiped the drool from his mouth, noticing it was on his pillow as well. He made a face of disgust, before rolling to his side. Not accounting for the size difference between his bed at home and the one here, Feng fell to the floor. "Ugh..." he mumbled, slightly disoriented. Pushing himself up, Feng made his way into the bathroom, before going out into the kitchen. Feng looked around to see a host of the people he had met last night. His dark blue pajamas top flung open, exposing the toned stomach underneath them, while the pajama bottoms were a dark red, and obviously didn't originally belong with the top. Feng followed in the footsteps of Avis, heading over to the coffee machine. He was surprised to see that no one was using it, maybe most of these people didn't drink it? Unsure of where to stand once his coffee was done, Feng took a post up against a wall that connected the living room and the kitchen, observing quietly the events that were transpiring between some of the group. -- Ambrose unlike the other two, had been up for a while. He had been thinking about all the new people that had come into his life so quickly. He remembered all of their names, from Press, to Kyle, to Eve, to Leonard, even the people who had skipped out on the ice-breakers. He held a bond with these people now, and that meant that he wouldn't fail them. The nightmare came again, it always did whenever a new chapter in Ambrose's life began. It changed a little here and there, but the basics were still there. The worst nightmares, are the ones that are real, the one's that aren't just nightmares. Studying his blade in his hands- the same one which he hadn't touched since entering Sanctum- Ambrose rose with new resolve. He'd push through, and so would all of them. He headed out into the kitchen, and was glad to see pretty much all of the team. He walked past a few people giving smiles and whatnot before noticing Nathan and Cora seemingly having a conversation, though it did look a bit one-sided. Deciding the safest bet was to maintain a bit of distance, Ambrose decided he'd sit next to Avis. He looked to the girl with a half smile, "Too damn early for this," he mused, he smooth and genuine voice giving hints of a joke. He was completely oblivious to how tired Avis looked herself.