The weather was not inclined to make things any easier for the city that was so under siege as it was. The rain started driving harder, making visibility from vehicle or on foot progressively worse, making it dangerous to drive and far more unpleasant to walk anywhere. The lightning got thicker, and far worse, purple lightning striking the tallest buildings while shorter buildings started seeing more strikes against their buildings by more regular lightning. The outdoor markets were driven inside, while people who didn't have outdoor weather gear fled indoors, soaked from mere seconds being outside. Those already inside felt no desire to go outside unless dire need was calling, and only a handful of the most determined, hardy folks would still be out and about, in the driving rain and terrifying lightning storm, only the insane or the brave still had reason to be out and about at this point, as most folks were wondering how they would be able to deal with this storm interfering with their daily lives. The police fared no better, their vehicle fleet all but shut down by the weather. After the first police cruiser wrecked, the department sent out an order for the police to bunker down where they could, just hiding out and waiting for the rain to lessen, or the storm to lighten up. At the Police HQ, calls were received on a regular basis on the updates, how the storm was causing more and more trouble whilst troopers, clean and dirty, were trapped just about anywhere in the city by the storm. Police could still walk somewhere, but they had no interest in really doing so, they weren't paid enough, and withdrew when they could to Police HQ, rallying and getting ready to rush out wherever they needed to go, to help people or con them out of money for the sake of helping them, and then abandon them. Such was the duality of corruption and honor in the police department. The PMC's were made of sterner stuff than the police, but even their presence lightened up considerably. They were recalled in mass back to their training positions and company holdings, the commanders had a bad feeling about this weather, and wanted their troops and vehicles on standby. Sure, their vehicles could easily function in this weather and fare far better than anyone else, but why risk their vehicles unnecessarily when only the foolish or brave would be out in this weather right now? Their aircraft were grounded while progress was made predicting if safe pockets could be found that the aircraft could operate in, but until then they were totally grounded. PMC's that were at corporate holdings remained there, but didn't patrol outdoors, while their brothers out on patrol and guarding the bases were indoors as well, or under cover, watching for anyone trying to take advantage of the bad weather. Criminals were out in droves now, which was hardly surprising. Looting, hawking their goods while the police and PMC's hid, and getting set up for when the rain was driven away, it was the criminals that planned to benefit the most from this freak weather, after it cleared of course. They planted outposts of equipment, for pick ups and set ups all across the city in heavily patrolled areas originally, while other folks just took advantage of the situation, all eyes up to the sky in an almost worrying manner, wondering what is summoning this storm, as few believe its natural anymore, and no one knows what to expect, only that the air itself feels alive, and it was trouble, sure as sure.