She had not gotten much sleep last night. She had waited until it was late then quietly crept back into the living room. Magara extended her power to make sure that no one was there to see her. “One… Two… Three… Four…” She started with one hand on the wall and measured her footsteps around the perimeter, measuring its size, then she would learn where everything inside was placed. Once she ‘mapped’ the room she would be able to get around quite comfortably, but tonight she nearly knocked over the television, stubbed her toe once, and knocked her knee twice. If she sensed anyone approaching she would quickly head back to her room. She was dreaming that her and her family were playing all the ‘ice breaker’ games that the team had played last night. Then Vita’s alarm blared in her ears and shattered the fantasy. She clamped her hands over her ears, the blind girl was sensitive to sounds as well as the reactions to the neighbors within her empathetic field. Magara was used to a much gentler alarm named Carl… Carl sat upright and gave a single warning bark. He dashed out into the hallway to see the source of the noise. He saw Vita, and a few recruits beginning to emerge. [i]Wake-up-noise![/i] In Carl’s experience breakfast was shortly after the wake-up-noise. He dashed back into the room and up onto the bed wagging his tail. He licked Magara’s neck and face to rouse her. He was a morning-dog. It took her a bit longer than the rest to get ready, but soon she'd have her routine streamlined and she would be as fast as the rest (except for the Blur). Carl was helpful, fetching her things as she needed them. She didn’t have any sporty clothes for training. She wore a long sleeved tunic-length shirt (she didn’t know it but it was white with printed blue flowers), and loose pants (black), she bound up her fluffy hair under a long scarf (robins egg blue, a much different blue than her blouse). After she and Carl were dressed and freshened up they went into the hall and toward the kitchen. Carl eagerly led the way. Magara had released him from duty, so he immediately found Ming at the kitchen table, sitting squarely beside her he gave her his best doggie-smile and wagged his tail. Her power would ensure that she would not bump-into anyone, and she thought that her internal-map was good enough to find the kitchen, until she clipped the piano bench with her knee. [i]‘I thought that was three more steps to the left.’[i/] She thought, disappointed in herself. [i]'Perhaps someone moved it...[/i]' The ice-breaker games and general interaction from the night before helped her learn the names, powers, and voices of her new mates. She could feel where they gathered, and felt various expression of hunger and fatigue rolling around groggily, peppered with satisfaction as food and coffee was found and consumed. She recognized their voices as she drew closer: Bruce, Linn, Stitches, Kyle… the electric guy (Cue sound of blender), Avis, Ming, Ambrose, there were a few others around who weren’t talking. There was one she could identify with her power, it was the first time she found herself able to do such a thing, and was sure to stay away from him. He was the one who had been hurt last night, she had learned from the teachers that he had not been attacked, but had hurt himself with his power. His name was Nathaniel, and now he was in the middle of the living room area seething and boiling with anger, it bloomed from him. [i]’Does he always feel like that?[/i]’ She reprimanded herself for not exploring the kitchen last night. She had no idea where anything was. Her hands found marble counter. She sighed as she smelled fresh coffee and sweet fruits. She turned toward the smell of coffee and with some luck found the machine. She usually had breakfast and tea before coffee, but was unsure of how much time was allotted before training. She found the coffee machine, and slid her hands on the counter around it. She paused, reasoning with herself. '[i]Magara, I might look far less foolish asking for help than by groping around like a wild… blind person.'[/i] Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she walked to the nearest person (unsure of exactly who it was). “Excuse me, can you help me find a mug? And a plate? I’m sorry but I do not know where anything is yet. And dog food." She spoke in a soft meek tone. "T-they told me that there would be food for Carl here?" She hoped that whoever she was talking to would understand. "I apologize..."