Linn listened intently too Nathan’s explanation of his power, to her it seemed like such a horrible burden for him to bear, but weren't all their abilities at one point or another? But the way his worked seemed like a heavier cross than theirs though, she did find it oddly funny that he was the equivalent of fire and she of water but she decided to save the humor for when they knew each other better. [b]“Your powers are very intuitive. I find it fascinating how much the titan gene can morph into our…Nathan?”[/b] Linn directed her eyes to what he was gazing at to see the Cora girl she had not spoken to much last night. [b][i]‘Why is he-wait where is he going?’[/i][/b] [b]“Nathan?”[/b] She called out as he brushed by her stalking towards the girl, she didn’t know what was going on but she couldn’t let Nathan get himself into trouble. She started after him but then noticed Magara walking into the room with Carl at her side. It was good to see a person she enjoyed the company of last night. Linn noticed that her clothes were…interesting and she’d have to question it later because she could hear Nathan berate the Cora girl quite loudly to her right. Linn then walked in their direction and decided it be best to try and calm him some before the girl retorted back. Linn reached out grasping his forearm to tug him away, [b]“Nathan. Hey come on it’s not worth-”[/b] His skin was hot no, it was burning and her hand stung harshly against it. She gasped, wincing a little and redrew her hand allowing it to ice over and heal itself. She made sure to try and cover her pain but as it was already fading because of her ice. She remained close though in case she would have to intervene. She did not want them getting off on the wrong side on their first day of training.