[i]"Psch. Lazy, Stitches, it's gonna get you killed. Only thing people are good for are stabbing you in the back. You want a bagel, you can go ask me. Nicely. If I'm in the mood, I might give you one." [/i] Eve watched as Coraline strutted away triumphant with the bagels, it was kind of cute, like how a emo pomeranian might leave the room with its favouite toy. If she was trying to get a rise out of her it wasn't going to happen, certainly not over bagels. She was being childish and it was unimpressive, we're soldiers now. Adults. Unfornately, Eve wouldn't be the one that have to beat it out of her. Come to think of it, it was kind of flattering actually, if she had to be a little bitch already then she felt Eve was competition. Eve had been around long enough to knew exactly how this "winding up" thing goes down, there was nothing Coraline could say that would catch her off guard, even if did offend her, first its attacks on possessions, bagels, clothes, etc. Then physical appearance, for which she'll have limitless ammo. And if that doesn't work, attacks on her personality. After this she'll have exhausted everything and resort to violence, so lets hope it doesn't get that far. There was still the matter of the bagels. After fixating on them for about an hour there was no way a breakfast subtitute would do. She had two options, walk up to the table and try to take the bagels, which would definitely lead to more childish goings on or she could give up on the bagels and have a unsatisfactory breakfast but not give Cora the satisfaction and possibly nip this in the bud early. Could she sacrifice a lone breakfast for a brighter tomorrow? Turns out she didn't have to. The foreign weight of about 4 bagels accumalated in her open hand in conjunction with a gentle breeze. It was crisis averted, but not problem solved. A small victory from an unknown source although Eve had her suspicions. She removed a bagel from the bag and ploped it in her mouth. It was definitely a victory of sorts. "Thanks Coraline, do you want them back or should I leave them here in the kitchen so people can help themselves to them?" Eve shouted from the kitchen as she did her best to hide her delight at Cora being foiled already in her plans. "Thanks Bruce, I didn't know it was going to be this difficult to get them down when I asked, if I had I'd have gotten them myself. What on Earth are we going to do about her? Its a little early for having your knickers in a twist already"