Marshall's blush faded as his smirk returned. "What a girl..." He said as he watch Jade walk off. He then looked back to Hitomi. "Looks like you are still good at making friends." He joked before he started to walk after Jade.
Saarebas said
Marshall was still smirking as he walked the halls, he had managed to catch up to jade. "Well that was a fun experience."
Saarebas said
Marshall smirked. "It doesn't really makes a deference honestly." He said. "I mean she's still just a girl with a clipboard who thinks she can boss other people around." He shrugged. "No one listened to her before and I doubt we will start now."
Boboclown89 said
Randy was walking through the halls, and he saw a new guy, like him. He ran over to him. "Hey!" he said. "I'm Randy, are you new here?"
Saarebas said
Marshall chuckled. "You do realize we all have been threatened with death on a nearly daily bases already?" He said jokingly. "My guess she will try to assert herself again but will be meet with the usual resistant from us all."
Boboclown89 said
"I'm Randy." he said. "I'm also new here."
Saarebas said
Marshall put a hand on Jade's shoulder. "Look koala girl... She may seem like a complete bitc- jerk but I doubt she will really hurt anyone." He said as warm of a tone he could manage