Mai Mai woke up in her usual sleeping place as the light of the sun shined on her face, she could feel the dryed up tears were still on her face and her eyes might be a bit red to from crying most of the night, she sighed at the thought and became immediately sad by thinking of it and tryed to turn around once more to go to sleep again since she wouldn't do anything today. After getting up she did her daily routine but it keep feeling different then ussual. She walked over to the fridge to get something to eat but when she opened it she didn't fell so hungry anymore and closed it again. As she closed the fridge she saw the picture that was standing on one of the tables in the room. She very carefully pulled the picture out of the frame around it, It was a very small picture of her and her partner that would fit into her pocket where they were both smiling and hugging each other. She gently putted it into her pocket, as she was about to go brush her hair the doorbell ringed. A tall man was standing in the door opening as she opened up "Good day miss Hirasawa i'm here to pick you up" In suprise she gave a questionable look at the man "Why?" She prepared to close the door as she could see that the man was from the IISO "You need a new promoter, and you can't stay alone in this home" She quickly closed the door in front of him "You have 10 minutes to pack your stuff or else we will take you by force" The man sayed through the door. They left her no real choice but to pack her stuff, she knew that these people would do a lot to find her if she would run. After 10 minutes of grabbing everything and brushing her hair as fast as she could she stood in front of the car that was suppose to take her somewhere. The man opened the door for her as he took her bag and placed it in the back of the car. She entered as the door closed behind her, another man was sitting in the drivers seat and started to drive as the tall man stepped in. They didn't say anything at all to each other or to her it was a boring ride and she didn't even know where they would take her. The other security corporations that she was first with didn't need her anymore after her promoter died and just left her alone without saying anything. She didn't really care about them, she didn't even like them. They stopped in front of a building that had a sign saying "N-n-nomu-u-ura Sec-u-urity-y C-corporation" Her skills at reading weren't the best but it would manage. They opened up the door for her and grabbed her bag and a silver suitcase out of the trunk of the car. One of the man closed the door with her tail still between it. She could barely pull it away as she gave an angry look at the man "Hmpf" but he didn't react at all. She could see some cars lined up in front of the building as they seemed to be heading close towards them. The other man grabbed his badge and showed it to one of the guards that was near the cars as he sayed something to him that she couldn't hear propperly. They started walking further towards the cars as they finally reached a woman in a business suit that was about to leave. "Nomura Kiri, We are from the IISO and we are here for a somewhat troubled matter. This girl her promoter died yesterday and the security coporation she was working for sayed that they didn't need her anymore. The IISO is however very busy at the time being and your security corporation was the closest we could find. We would like to ask you if you would be able to take care of her for the time being for a small price." The other man putted down her bag and opened up the silver suitcase containing only a small piece of papper wiyh a few numbers on it she never saw something like it before but it would probably be very special. In the meantime Mai was hiding her tail in her dress so that the guards wouldn't see it and beat her up. But it didn't help that much as it still could be seen clearly that she was hiding something in the back of her dress. She couldn't feel comfortable around humans and a lot of them would only make it worse. But she somehow kept staring at the woman as she somehow intrested her. She kept staring at her with her big addorable eyes as she stood between the two way to large man.