Serenity was glad they made it to the shop before the rain hit. It was pouring down hard and there was no telling when it was going to clear up. But on the bright side, she was with Sloan and they were both off of work as far as she knew. Together they hurried inside the shop to escape the rain, Serenity holding the door open for Sloan as they entered. The pleasantries didn't stopped their as she also pulled out a chair for Sloan and gently pushed in her chair as she sat down. Serenity took the seat next to Sloan and pulled out her small glass of wine. [b]"You can go ahead and order. Get anything you like, my treat"[/b] Serenity said with a smile as she started sipping on her wine. She no longer cared if they shop had wine or not and she decided that food could wait for later. She could always have a bowl of cereal back at the apartment. Serenity's wine magically disappeared after only a second. The glass remained, but the wine was gone. She tried to only sip it, but it she gave in way too fast. Now she was asleep, resting on Sloan's shoulder. She was quite comfortable. With Sloan there she felt safe, and the rest of the world no longer existed in her mind. If needed she could be woken up, but she was still as drunk as an Irish sailor.