Avis raised an eyebrow to the young man that had sat down next to her on the couch. She took a bite from the piece of bread in her hand and waved her hand dismissively at Ambrose. "Meh, says the guy who looks more fired up than ever. You morning people don't understand the struggle a jet lagged, hormone filled girl myself must endure each every day! It is a struggle, no, the burden we must take on for the sake of humanity!" She said, standing up and striking a heroic pose. A grin came across her face and she laughed a bit before flopping back down on the couch. "Or something like that. Sorry, I wasn't able to chat around last night, but your.... Ambrose right? I'm Avis. Guten Morgan meine freund." she said with a smile. Avis was now more awake than before, the caffeine finally flowing through her veins. She gave sigh though, and motioned to the kitchen. "Wish I could say the same for everyone else, but apparently bagels are valuable currency here. I guess I should mark that down on the "The stuff I should give a shit about" list. Heh heh." she said the Ambrose with a grin.