Cora finished off her bagel and stared angrily at the television as though it could summon her food. When it didn't, Cora stood up to grab some more food from the fridge. After her little stunt backfired and instead didn't put her in charge, she didn't think that her usual tactics would work. She [i]was[/i] better than them, but apparently these morons were more complex than her usual crowd, so she'd have to think on it more. So instead of creating more of a scene, despite the fact that she really wanted to, she tamely pulled out a box of cereal -she didn't know what the brand was, she didn't look- as well as the whole gallon of milk they had stored in the fridge to go eat them in the living room. She would have taken a few of the fruits as well, but she didn't want to right now. She'd save that for later. She arrived back at her couch and dug her whole hand into the box, stuffing the whole handful into her mouth and washing down the strangely fruity cereal with a swig out of the gallon of milk. When she finished the box, she sat back and debated whether or not she could take a shower at this point in time or not. She hadn't showered in a while, but there were going to be some kind of activity later so she probably would have to attend that. [i]I'm so freaking tired, how do people do this?[/i] she thought as she tried to stop herself from completely falling asleep on the couch. Her habit of stuffing herself then passing out was something she needed to break, it had been fine while she'd been on the streets, but now it would just leave her vulnerable. [i]A quick nap couldn't hurt anyone though...[/i] with that, Cora fell asleep on the couch, covered in cereal and snoring like a schnauzer with the sniffles.