Ambrose let out a hardy laugh as the girl struck her pose. "Same to you my friend, and yes it's Ambrose." Ambrose listened to the girl as she spoke, no doubt the coffee she had been drinking had finally worked it's magic as she seemed a bit more energized now. Despite her joking manner, she was certainly right, they were paying a pretty hefty price in order to keep humanity safe, and he didn't mean just waking up early. He wondered if that was what Commander Nunez meant yesterday when she called them soldiers, people just serving as protectors the only way they knew how. Shaking the thought and coming back to reality, Ambrose continued his chat with Avis. "I have a feeling that list is going to get uncomfortably bigger day by day," he chuckled. When he was with his brother, all he had to worry about was himself and his crew, but now- who knew. -- Feng had observed the conflict between Nathan and Cora, it seemed that she was already making some enemies. Feng could remember his father telling him that some people gifted with these powers didn't have it as easy as they could. Some people had to fight, day in and day out because of it. Feng knew what he meant now, some of these people have seen things Feng could never relate to. His father's iconic status meant that he lived well off, sure there were Sanctum guards always protecting his house, but some of these people probably only had themselves for protection. Whether that made them physically strong, Feng wasn't sure. He had an urge to approach Cora, but decided against it, he'd probably only make her angry at this point. Instead he resolved to head over towards the other group in the kitchen. He headed towards Bruce and Press, if he remembered correctly, he had heard Bruce asking if everyone was ready for training day. "Sanctum officers are pretty well trained, whatever it is we're doing today, I definitely hope we're ready." He gave a smile to the two, though he made his statement somewhat sheepishly, not sure if he was intruding.