As Nathan finished his yogurt concoction, he was relieved at the pat he got from Linn. It was with the hand that he had...burnt and seeing her use it freely took a load of his shoulders. With nothing left to worry about Nathan through his garbage in the trash and walked back to the fridge, trying to find something to drink. After several moments of scanning the fridge Nathan found what he was craving, some apple juice. Getting himself a glass, Nathan stood in a corner. While nursing his drink, Nathan used his height advantage to survey the group. It was odd, it seemed more what he imagined college would be. Kids taking a break after a long class and not soldiers to be. His expression darkened a bit at that thought. Thinking to himself, if they were supposed to be soldiers than there were going to be things that will break some of them. Hell, it took him months to get over what happened in Alaska. Shivering at the thought, Nathan decided to not worry about it and instead walked over to Blur and the wolf eared girl from the line up. As he got closer, he noticed that they were most likely not fake. Every now and again they would twitch and turn towards noises. As he reached his destination, Nathan extended his hand and introduced himself, "Hi, names Nathan and if you don't mind the question...What can you do?" with a friendly tone.