Halfway through the second broadcast, the television screen turned black. Lillium held the remote in her hand and looked at her empty tables. At least she knew why no one was here. Hiding from the police and PMC. Maybe she should just close down for the day. If she wasn't going to get any custom, it was probably best. She looked out the window. Didnt seem like anyone would be wanting to spend their money today. Maybe she would go and visit Aussir. That dragon always had some interesting clothes for sale. She did need a new apron.. this one had gotten fairly dirty. Lillium loved her apron. There was almost nothing better than salami. Plus it hurt when you threw it at someone. "I should clean up first." She mumbled and took out a wash cloth to wipe down the tables. Just as Lillium was about to start putting up the chairs, two women came in and sat down. Silently cursing her luck, Lillium walked over and greeted them. "What can I get you two today?" She asked as politely as she could. She noticed they, or at the very least, one of them was drinking wine. Normally, she wouldn't allow allow alcohol in her shop but, today was a particularly crappy day so she would this one time. Looks like her new apron would have to wait.