Brookes woke to complete silence. "Just what I like to hear." He whispered to himself. He got up rather lazily, not considering that he woke up late. He had a tendency to sleep past most alarms and it always screwed him over in the end. He slipped on some basic clothes. A pair of black jeans, a basic black hat which he hoped would cover up his ears, and a black t-shirt with holes in the back for his wings. Then he put on a leather jacket which looked way too big for his small structure, stretching it's sleeves far past his hands. He quickly brushed his hair and lazily opened the door, slipping through the small crack he made. So tired, he instantly walked into an adjacent door. "Verpiss dich." He said haphazardly to the door before walking to a nearby couch and sat down, careful of his wings. He smiled gently when he realized he was late and that he just walked out of his door, smashed into another one, then cursed at the door. "Today seems like it will go well for me." He said to himself sarcastically. Looking around, he noticed the large diversity in the group of people. "Everyone is so different here. It's sort of exciting." He thought to himself when he comprehended maybe he wouldn't be teased for being different because here, everyone was different. He gazed around for a bit longer and took in most of the people. He couldn't tell where most of them were from but he could see someone who looked like they could be German and he took note of her. He thought about how he looked. He couldn't instantly be told as a German because the fairy blood in him changed some of his features. His face was somewhat softer despite his thinner nose. And obviously his pointed ears sort of gave it away too.