It wasn't long into the storm that Aussir had been jolted awake by the sound of thunder, instantly jumping off his bed and bolting out of the back room, "Miyu, lock up the register!" he shouted, peering through the glass door. He saw movement outside, however, it appeared the individuals weren't interested in his shop this time around. Regardless, he still wanted the place locked up before someone had a change of heart. "It's locked, Aussir. Is anyone coming?" she asked, concerned. The male looked at her and shook his head, "No, but we can't let our guard down, remember what happened last time?" he reminded her. She nodded in response, of course she remembered, she nearly lost her life during the last storm. It had come just as unexpectedly as this one had, and several groups of thugs had broken through the door, attempting to loot the place. That was also the day she lost her old job, so she had been wandering the streets and saw the thugs. She started shouting at them, but they only turned on her with weapons, intending to silence the witness to their crime. She wouldn't go down without a fight. She had taken a group out alone when they finally brought her to her knees, only to be saved by Aussir, who had emerged from the partially looted store in a rage. It wasn't long after, that she was hired, and taught how to use the shotgun behind the counter. Aussir looked outside again, "Worried about Lillium?" Miyu asked, sitting back down behind the counter. He remained silent, "It's alright, Aussir, go. I can handle the store by myself." she added. He looked at her again and nodded, "Lock the door after I leave, alright?" he instructed her. She giggled and waved him off, walking to the door as he left, locking it. Outside, the cool rain hit Aussir's human skin, something he enjoyed. Storms were his favorite thing in the world, he had no idea why that was, he just knew he did. As he walked in the direction of the sandwich shop, he began to wonder if Lillium and her shop were alright. It had been quite some time since he fought off those thugs, he wondered if they ever came back to try again? Maybe they had decided to leave the store alone? He didn't know. The sound of footsteps near him brought his attention back to reality, his cybernetic eye scanning ahead of him for anyone, though it showed nothing. Looking over his shoulder, he noticed a figure following him. No, they just happened to be going in the same direction, right? Coincidence. He turned forward and spotted The Lotuswich Shop just ahead of him, across the street. He quickened his pace, not liking who was behind him, then hearing the person do the same. They really were following him! Just as he was about to break into a run, he was snatched from the corner and slammed against the wall of the building there. "Ha! Look who we have here, fellas, that guy from months ago! I think we should teach him not to mess with us!" a familiar voice said. Turning his head enough to see, he recognized the the now group of men as the ones he fought protecting Lillium's store. A bad feeling came from the pit of his stomach, he knew there was no way he would survive this fight, there were far too many thugs this time around. "Look, you want money? Take it, just don't kill me, alright?" he pleaded. The men laughed, then their leader came up from behind and whispered into his ear, "We don't want your money, we want your life." Aussir felt a sense of dread, he knew these guys were being serious. He couldn't die here, but the odds were clearly stacked against him. Being let go so he could fight, he turned around to face the men. He had two spells he could use, one would be pointless as he had nobody around to protect him afterwards. The second, he swore never to use. He made a promise, and he was going to keep it. He avoided the first attack with ease, though felt a fist slam into his ribs from beside him, a large man having thrown his fist into him. Following the hit, he felt searing pain in his arm, finding a knife in it being pulled out. He used his own good fist to slam the man with the knife away from him, turning and using his left foot to side kick an attacker. He suddenly found himself on his back, his head hitting the pavement, causing him to become dizzy. He slowly stood as the men chuckled and mocked him, if things continued like this, they'd kill him. He thought about the spell, he could use it since his life was at risk, right? Surely that would be an exception? No. He couldn't. A promise was a promise...yet for some reason, his hands were glowing. There was no choice now, the spell was already underway. Aussir used his good hand to point at the leader, "Run while you have the chance." he said calmly. The men all laughed, though their laughing stopped when Aussir started to grow, eventually his human body tearing itself apart by sheer force. What emerged was a large white dragon, which roared at the group, it's tail sweeping away most of them. The remainder stared up in horror, clearly unaware that the human they had picked on was clearly a dragon. Before they could react, Aussir lowered his head and let loose a breath of flame, burning the now fleeing men to a crisp. The remaining men all fled, some on fire, despite the downpour occurring. Roaring once more, he let another round of flames shoot into the sky, his body glowing and shrinking. He fell to his hands and knees, gasping for breath before finally standing. He looked at an unconscious thug and decided to take his clothing, considering his own had been torn apart. He then made his way towards the shop's doors, entering through it and taking a seat in one of the corners like he usually did. "Bad weather we're having, eh Lillium?" he commented, pushing the thoughts of what just happened from his mind.