[center][b]Zeynep and Gavlan[/b][/center] There they were, amongst the throngs of people that were about the royal city of Val Royeaux. The duo wasn't hard to spot amongst the crowds, one being taller then most of the people that were there, the other stout and shorter then most people were. They made quite an odd pair but here no one cared. The people only wanted refuge from the elements as well as a way to get away from the Blight that had consumed the southern realm of Ferelden. The Wardens had failed in their quest to slay the beast and news of it traveled fast. Unfortunately for Zeynep and Gavlan they only learned about it when they had reached Val Royeaux. The duo usually resided in the safe walls of Kirkwall but after a deal had gone wrong, they had made a quick get away and find another location to set up operations. "Bah look at all these people," Zeynep said with some distaste ",They run like wolves, tail inbetween there legs. Why not stand and fight this Blight? Why not fight these things called Darkspawn." Being from Par Vollen, Zeynep had never seen a darkspawn or heard of the blights that plagued the realm of Thedas every few ages until she was able to understand the language. She still barely knew much about them. "Honey if you knew what Darkspawn were, you would be pretty damn scared to of them. At least understand why these people are running," Gavlan spoke up to his tall qunari companion "Darkspawn are nasty vicious buggers that are usually cowards themselves but give them an Archdemon and they are a force that can't be stopped. At least not by us normal folks, only the-" "Grey Wardens can stop it, yes you've told me before," Zeynep interrupted her short counterpart with a sigh. Most of her knowledge of the realms of Thedas came from her dwarf friend. They had met up in Kirkwall, both outcasts who became good friends after some fighting and a few mugs of awful mead. They had become some of the best smugglers in Kirkwall, with Gavlan's knowledge of trade and valuables, Gavlan's strength, and Zeyneps magic they could get their hands on just about anything that someone may want snicked into the City of Chains, for a fee of course. "Exactly," Gavlan said, continuing his lecture without pause ",The Grey Wardens, who should be mobilizing, at least those here in Orlais. Lets not worry about that though. Lets find somewhere that sells some mead and then a place to crash, this traveling has made me bushed." With that he managed to get a slight smile out of Zeynep and a small chuckle."Yes, if we don't get to hammered with the mead," she replied. Despite how they bickered they would always be best of friends, having each others backs until they drew their last breath. "That's the spirit my lass," Gavlan said. They continued pushing their way through the crowd, to find the nearest inn that had a bar and hopefully a few open rooms left ",Who knows maybe I'll find some dwarves to finally talk too, after all you are quite dull." "Oh ha ha master dwarf trader," Zeynep smirked in amusement ",Perhaps I'll find more Tal-Vashoth's to keep me company as well. It would be better to have them as company face to face then always having to find a box for you to be eye level with me." Thus they bantered back and forth to one and the other on their quest for mead.