Angelo Ortega Angelo sighed softly as he walked through the streets of Val Royeaux he saw the desperation and sadness in everyone's eyes as he entered through the city gates. He knew that the streets would be crowded but he never knew it would be this bad. Angelo needed to find something to do to help these people, although he was an assassin and a thief he was in no means a heartless man. He walked through the streets to see a small family begging a tavern owner to take their money and let them stay and he couldn't help but listen in "please sir we have money why wont you give us a room?" the mother no older then in her mid 20s with two children with her one a boy that looked as young as 5 or 6 and a baby girl at least it seemed that way from the red cloths she was covered in "im sorry but we cant spare the room here in the inn" the owner said obviously large with a port belly and partially bald. Angelo walked over to them and said "now why wouldn't you have space for a small family. their probably just trying to find some place to sleep for the night." "who the hell are you?" he asked me and Angelo answered "who I am isn't important, are you really going to kick out this small family, if they have money why wouldn't you take it? all money is still money right?" yes however-" even though they aren't very rich they still want shelter like anyone else would you really consider yourself a man if you didn't help them?" Angelo said cutting him off to put a steak into the heart of his point and the tavern owner growled softly but nodded his head "fine if they have money they can stay" the mother smiled wide at Angelo and said "thank you kind sir" she said before paying the tavern owner "no trouble mam" Angelo said bowing slightly as he walked away to go to the cathedral to go and take some jobs from the chanters board