Rasie wandered the streets, careful to keep her coin purse carefully hidden within her armor. Despite her precaution, it was largely unnecessary as the people tended to give her a wide berth. She looked intimidating and her multiple pairs of horns led them often to believe that she was some high rank. She made no attempt to contradict them as it gave her the necessary breathing room to spot the familiar horns of another of her race. She had to be cautious, though. The Qunari were not fond of her and she knew not to interfere if people's lives were not at stake. She followed her into a tavern, only just noticing the dwarf when they entered. Seeing what most Qunari would call bas led her to believe something may be different for this one, so she came up from behind and tapped the other woman's shoulder. "Qun or no?" She almost rasped the question under her breath as she assumed a slightly more combative stance. She hoped it was someone she could relate to, but she also ran into far too many outcast pretenders trying to trap her.