Angelo got to the chanters board seeing that all in all they were slim pickings although he shouldn't have expected much to begin with considering what everyone was going through. He looked at the two new jobs and they seemed simple enough to do on his own but he still thought it would be wise to get help before trying anything stupid, he would be no use to anyone dead. The blight really was making people desperate for even a small amount of hope they could earn from another's kindness. Angelo sighed seeing the board and decided to find help first as he left he saw once again the people lining the streets holding their hands out for anyone to give them a little kindness. Although I wanted to ease their suffering I barely had enough to get any food myself, Angelo may be a thief but he wouldn't steal from people like this. He may be a thief but he was still a man of honor and wouldn't steal from people that were just as desperate as he was. Angelo walked down the street hearing some commotion nearby seeing that it was an inn he decided to drop by and take a look