Alyssa was still hiding in an alleyway, when she noticed the man she had identified as Victor crossing the street. She backed behind the corner of the alleyway, hoping he wouldn't notice her, as he calmly made his way into the library. She thought of sneaking in the back, but if Arkayem was right about the PMC presence there and she was found out, she could be shot on sight. [i]Not today,[/i] she thought to herself, letting out a mild sigh. [i]Can't things ever be easy?[/i] The plain-looking girl wondered, before stuffing her hands into her pockets. [i]I could wait for him.[/i] She considered, before looking up, seeing the dark, looming clouds over the city. While Alyssa's equipment is water-proofed, she can't do much being soaked herself. Sighing, Alyssa conceded defeat for now, trudging off in the direction of Elf Haven once again. However as soon as she started her trek, the skies let loose their fury; lightening striking the tallest buildings in the city, while the torrential downpour began. "Shit, just my luck!" She complained, as she began a quick jog. Along her journey to Elf Haven, she noticed most police and PMC vehicles in a hurry to retreat back to their headquarters. The woman didn't have much time to consider the implications of this, each raindrop that hit her arms felt like a small needle dropped from a sky scraper. Alyssa quickly began to hurry back to Elf Haven, knowing that a decent trek was ahead of her. [i]I really should purchase a car,[/i] she thought to herself, before grimly adding [i]with what cash?[/i] Due to the intensity of the rain however, Alyssa knew she was unable to continue her journey, shuffling into a nearby alleyway, and under a small nook in the side of a building, sighing with relief. "Well.. looks like I'll be here for a while." She grumbled, crossing her arms, and settling down as the rough weather continued. ((Unfortunately that's all I can post right now while my friend is still in the Hospital. I hope to become more active in the next couple of days.))