[center][b]Zeynep and Gavlan[/b][/center] They finally found an inn that would work. It wasn't the best choice but to them it didn't matter, especially when they had spent most days in Kirkwall staying in Lowtown and drinking in the Hanged Man Inn. They were just settling into the inn as well, both standing by the bar waiting for their drinks when Zeynep felt a hand tap her shoulder. [i]Great probably another drink with a fail attempt to try and get into my pants,[/i] Zeynep thought to herself annoyed. At least punching someone in the face would be somewhat pleasant to her. When she turned around though to see the person who tapped her shoulder she got the the surprised of her life. It was another qunari, her mind race trying to piece it all together. They had found her, she had been running from the Qun all these years, from those that would enslave her and let her rot under the care of another. Zeynep couldn't go back to that life. She would die before rejoining the Qun. She had nearly begun to reach for her staff when the stranger asked the question of whether or not Zeynep was a part of the Qun. Zeynep couldn't help but laugh at the question before thinking. "Maker no I'm not a part of the Qun, not after what they did to me. Plus I'm with a dwarf," she said pointing to her companion. "Hey I heard that," Gavlan said as he turned back to the bar, seeing now that he wouldn't have to take out his axe at the moment to aid his friend. Zeynep regained her composer and continued ",And you? Are you part of the Qun, here to take me back and get my tongue cut out." "Oh boy here we go," Gavlan said turning back to the conversation between the two qunari and waiting to see if this was going to be a fight or not once more. The dwarf hoped not, he rather have his mead and hit the hay for the dead rather then have to deal with a bar fight.