[b][i][center]The Grey Warden Val Royeaux[/b][/i][/center] The Grey Warden saw a guardsman apparently asleep. He was a bit disappointing that a guardsman was sleeping on a job. Do something like that in the Deep Roads and you don't wake up. Nonetheless, he'll likely know the way to the Grey Warden's headquarters. Walking over to the man, The Grey Warden lightly nudged him until he was awake. [b]"Excuse me sir, do you know where the Grey Warden headquarters are in this city?"[/b] However, despite initially seeming to be awake, the guard did not stir. Either he was dead or a heavy sleeper. Getting a bit annoyed, The Grey Warden opted to be a bit more forceful and lightly hit the guard's chest plate with his own armored fist. [b]"Wake up!"[/b]