[b][i][center]The Grey Warden Val Royeaux[/b][/i][/center] It wasn't long before The Grey Warden was met by a fairly adventurous elf. He was polite enough as he greeted The Grey Warden and introduced himself as Airthel. He also mentioned a woman from the Chantry saw him, which the Grey Warden knew as the place of worship among most mortals sans many dwarves. The Grey Warden still didn't realize that he went to the Grand Cathedral and just assumed that the Imperial Palace had their own Chantry, which was what he thought Airthel was referring to. Regardless, The Grey Warden was glad to see that someone had come to help him. And he didn't need to do something silly just to bring this elf's attention to him. [b]"Yes, from the Chanter Board? I was told that an elf was also interested in the same job. I'm glad to have found you before too long. I'm assuming that you are going to try to find the missing husband and the stolen money?"[/b] The Grey Warden vaguely remembered some of the details of both request, but he regretted not actually taking the paper request. Well no matter, he understood the jist of what they requested. [b]"I can imagine whom stole the money. Likely a crafty refugee needing to make ends meet, though that's merely speculation. It may also be vile thieves who wish to use the refugees as cover for their operations. If we are to investigate that matter first, we should find the client and see what knowledge we can get from him or her. On the other hand, if we are looking for the Missing Husband we should of course first find the wife. I do not immediately suspect kidnapping, but until we can find out more there is very little I can assume."[/b] The Grey Warden pushed himself off the table and was about to leave before he turned towards his elvish companion. [b]"Do you believe that the two of us will suffice? Would you recommend more?"[/b]