"It is true that I am speaking of the chanter's board, but I don't think I'm the elf you were told about. I came after you did, and was also told about another elf." Airthel said directly, shifting to eye the crowd. "I want to find this elf, and maybe see if he wants to join us." Airthel almost sat, but the Warden's demeanor told him the other wanted to get moving. "Regardless, I would like to state my opinion of finding the missing man before the money. He could be in danger," Airthel also had the thought that the husband could've abandoned his family is favor of having to provide for only himself in these lean times, but didn't let the thought take too much shape. They would find out soon enough. He paused for a moment to catch the barkeep's eye, then placed his payment on the bar. A serving girl took it quickly. "The two of us could no doubt work well enough, but if we are really going to help these people we may need more than us. Let's at least find this other elf." Even as he said that, the black haired elf had little idea about how to find him in the throng. He hadn't gotten much of a description of the man. He was a little surprised that he hadn't gotten a better description of him. Airthel expected that behavior from Fereldans, but Orlaisians liked the look of elves and normally scrutinized the lithe beings like they were appraising fine jewels. He then realized that the Chantry held many more refugees than he had thought, and knew that the mothers and sisters must be very busy caring for them. "If you are truly eager to leave now, I will follow, but I advise waiting now for more manpower," he nodded at the end of the statement. He tried to look into Warden's helmet for a moment, but stopped once he figured that was rude. "We could just start asking around. He might hear us." It wasn't the most efficient plan, but he couldn't think of a better one.