[b][i][center]The Grey Warden Val Royeaux[/b][/i][/center] [B]"I think I found him."[/b] The Grey Warden turned his head towards an elf who was staring at him. [B]"This would make three. I would be willing to wait for perhaps one more. All the help we can receive will be excellent, but let us keep the group small, less we appear as a mob to the local guardsmen."[/b] The Grey Warden than moved towards the elf looking at him, gambling that he actually did have a common interest with him rather than simply staring due to The Grey Warden's armor. [B]"Greetings there, elf. I take it from your stare that you have some interest in me. Would you like to accompany me and my companion on our task? We could use someone of your skill."[/b] Skills that The Grey Warden knew nothing of, but hoped the elf had.