Airthel turned to the other elf with a quirked brow. He hadn't noticed him at first, but looking at him now the Dalish could see he held himself with an assured stance. He nodded at their newest companion, pleased at having found him immediately. He turned his attention back to the Warden and replied, "I am prepared to leave now." Airthel had just come from traveling, but his kin had packed him full of supplies when he left, fearful of the Blight's effects on human society and, further, trade. "And, if I may ask, are we to just call you Warden, ser?" Although still making pleasantries, Airthel was thinking of the information he remembered from the flier. Whoever posted about the missing husband said that they were staying in an inn more toward the southern side of the city, and he was thinking of the fastest way to get there, and where most of the refugees would gather. He was, after all, familiar with the royal city. He had visited it many times in the last few years, as well as many other cities on the southern part of Thedas.