He listened as she answered. "Well... honestly... none... I was kind of always protected. By my dad, then my brother, then the two of them, and then my fiancé and the two of them... The three of them were driving me mental. They'd have summoned the whole army if I whispered of trouble." He nodded and said, "don't worry about what happened then. " She smiled when he agreed to do it and hugged him, "Thank you." He was surprised as She hugged him. He didn't expect that for just helping her train. She pulled away and sat back, creating the space between them both, "I have never been allowed to protect myself... Is it weird that I am excited?" He shrugged " a little . " he said with a smile she then continued "That sounds great... It'll help me pay you back as well... I can help out around the house a little. Even help you if you get hurt. I know a lot about healing... More than I do about fighting..."He then said " don't get too carried away... Let's just figure your life out first before anything else." When she stared to meditate he did so as well. --------------- Few hours later they were back in his home, an appartment with a small dojo in it, which he had bought two appartments and converted. He stood on the mat with more comfortable clothes. Ready to start her first lesson.