Sloan sat down, the place was a bit more empty than she'd expected it to be, but with the rain and the violence, she shouldnt have expected anyone. As Serenity quickly drank her wine she became more and more drowsy and fell asleep on Sloan's shoulder. Sloan let out a quiet sigh and propped Serenity up in the nook of the booth so she didn't look quite so silly being leaned on. "So much for dinner together." She let out, half agitated and half amused. She was going to start muttering to herself like she did at her computer, only to have her attention caught by Lillium. She let out a soft, almost startled, gasp. "Oh, you uh.. spooked me." She glanced over to Serenity. [i]"I guess she's not hungry. I'll have an Italian Panini, take your time."[/i] She tells her, motioning to the elf who's gone and dozed off in the shop. Whenever Lillium gets her order and goes off, Sloan's gaze shifts to the rain the the scarce streets. Her mind shifts from thoughts about how airstream currents function, to how raindrops get larger or smaller. Eventually, she wonders when it'll lighten up. Getting home would, no doubt, be a hassle. The weather was slowly worsening, and even the PMC patrols were becoming few and far between. Serry was drunk, of course, and she wasn't comfortable driving. Let alone with such a strong downpour. Of course, the normal route would still be clogged, even if by vehicles that were abandoned for the sake of more reliable shelter. Perhaps she was overestimating the weather, perhaps not. Either way, it was more than she wanted to deal with. [i]How pitiful.[/i] She thought. [i]Five minutes in a sandwich shop, and I'm already thinking about how to get home. [/i]