They had walked back the apartment, sometime later, once she had seen a bit of the city. They swung by the room she had stayed in the previous night and she gathered the clothes she left there. When she had come back down, Chan and Rayn seemed to be deep in conversation, which was quickly dropped when they spotted her. That wasn't the first time it had happened, in fact, it had happened just that morning. The two of them had made it to the apartment in good time when Rayn announced that he wanted to start her training then. He showed her to her room and she quickly changed into more comfortable clothing. Nyima stretched as she stood in front of Rayn. She was basically in the clothing she had worn to sleep. It was comfortable and she could move in it and she assumed those would necessary parts of this equation. She stopped stretching and smiled at Rayn as she patted her legs lightly. She nodded her head, "Okay, I think I'm ready." She wasn't sure what to expect. He knew he wouldn't start her off on anything too crazy, with this being the first time she had done anything of the sort. All the same, she was curious what minor things they were going to look into before she could actually protect herself.