Evette's eyes snapped open, but before that her hand had already lashed out at the hand touching her, her nails cutting into the skin of the man's wrist. She didn't show any confusion in her eyes as they stared unblinkingly into the older man's. If anything, her nails only dug deeper as her grip tightened. "Why should I? If I die in this dream, I'll just wake up." Despite her words, Evette released the man's hand and stood, brushing herself off. "Touch me again and I will kill you, and it won't matter at all because you aren't even real." She walked away to stand outside of the group of annoying dream-characters. Why was she dreaming [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i] of all things? Still, it was much more pleasant than her usual nightmares. She leaned her back against the root of a giant tree and watched the life-like characters pester the rabbit. Evette let out a depressed sigh and said under her breath, "Fine, I'll play along little not-rabbit. So long as I can stay here until morning."