A good 20 minutes had passed before Luci felt as though she was clean enough to come out of the shower. She had used all the hot water, most of his soap, and all of his shampoo but, she was still a bit mad at him so she thought he deserved it. As the door to the bathroom opened steam rushed out and out came Luci dressed in her black skinny jeans and white tank. The clothes she had on this morning. She smelled exactly like a guy and her hair was not as soft and curly as it would if she used conditioner, [i][b]‘Who doesn’t use conditioner?!’[/i][/b] is what went through her head at the discovery, but she was clean now. She really did smell like a man and his deodorant was making it worse. Hey she wasn’t about to start smelling later on OK? Stepping out into the hall running a towel through her hair she looked around for any sign of the man, “Akira!” No response. Turning around she noticed a note on his bedroom door, [b][i]"Had to go take care of something, sorry! Can you head to the library and do some research on Operation Freedom? There's a list of clients on the kitchen counter along with some cash, Much Thanks!"[/i][/b] For a moment she just blankly stared at the note. [i][b]‘That idiot left a complete stranger in his house…alone.’[/i][/b] Chuckling darkly she turned around and headed to the front of the house seeing the kitchen counter with indeed the list of clients and her satchel and boots. Continuing to laugh at the man’s stupidity she slipped on her boots and placed her shades on the top of her hair which was now pulled in a high ponytail. Glancing at the list, a wave of sadness pasted over her. The fact that he left her alone upset her a little. Luci brushed it off taking the list and shoving it into her bag getting up and opening the front door. It was raining. [b][i]‘This fucker right here…’[/i][/b] To her right she noticed a coat rack with a leather jacket on it. Smirking she slipped it on and opened her her iphone punching in the GPS. [b]“He better live near this place.”[/b] She mumbled as she stepped into the heavy downpour.