[b]There's only one slot open right now (not completely sure if male or female; will update when discovered) so if you want in, feel free to take the last spot![/b] --- Let's not waste any time; here's the idea: Most Role-play's revolve around the idea of mutated or special powers, and for good reason; it grants the player a sense of being unique, and in this uniqueness they are typically hunted or chased after by some sort of Antagonist. In short, they are special. This role-play rejects that notion. This world is one very similar to ours; in fact, all of the borders and history is the same, up until about 2014; that's when mutants were born. However, nothing really changed at first. The smart ones hid the power; others used them a slight advantage. World governments started recruiting the best of the best and placed them in "A-Team" like groupings. For a while, nothing changed. That is, until Cold War II started. In 2016 Russia began to slowly claim back all of the former Soviet states and sparked the beginning of CWII. It was and continues to be a Cold War; meaning, there is no real direct War going on. However, somewhere over the years the term "Mutant" stopped meaning "Human," and therefore, the U.S.A. and Russia began to fight with mutants. And so, the draft was re-instated with both women and men. However, you were only drafted if you were a mutant. Once drafted, the higher-ups in the military would begin to place these draftees into small groups and train them to work as a team. The stronger the power, the better the team. The flyers and other Superman-types would mate it to the S.A. Units, or Superior Abilities Units. Then, the list would descend down from Superior to Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Theta, Standard, Weakened, and finally to Useless. The U.S. Government didn't sugarcoat things. The U.A.U. was the group not necessarily for the people with the weakest or lowest level of mutated powers; it was for the people with the most Useless powers for combat. However, the definition of "Useless" was about to change, as Russia was soon to make a move nobody else expected. So that's the idea. Basically a motley crew of people with the most ridiculous and pointless powers coming together to fight the "Soviets." What's more fun than that? (No offense if you're Russian btw.) I'm looking for either 3 or 5 people at the MOST. I'm keeping a gender balance, and I play male, so need 1 male and 2 females or 2 males and 3 females. I'll post a CS later if there is interest, but I'm trying to keep numbers really low. It both helps makes sure we have accountability as well as moves the plot along quicker, as opposed to 10-15 people epics. That brings me to my next point; I'm looking for active posters. If you cannot post more than once every two days, this might not be for you. If you go on vacation later this month we can arrange something. I'll set a maximum post per day soon, but honestly I'm looking for more rapid-fire posters (I'm thinking 1-2 posts per day) because I'd like to really breathe life into this. Most RP's I do die within a few weeks in heavy dialogue scenes and I'm trying to prevent that. So, if you're looking for a Roleplay with crazy powers that are pretty lame, a tight and fast plot with time to breathe in between the action (the beginning may move slow so we can world-build), and maybe even a romance in the mix, this is for you. Let me know if you are interested, so we can get this show on the road. I'm flexible with plot so if you have ideas or questions let me know! (P.S. My character hasn't been written yet, but his power is probably gonna be an ability to shapeshift, but only into inanimate objects. Try to come up with a power that is both Useless and able to work with so the fights that may happen aren't purely one sided; I want to pit us up against some S.A.U.'s!) -HYS