Name: Alice Roberts Appearance: [img=] Age: 18 Gender: Female Bio: Alice grew up in a fairly small town to her parents John and April, and the fourth of six siblings. It was a big family, she found herself becoming lost in the crowd of her sisters and brothers, craving individuality. So she took up the guitar making her the star of all of those stupid church music performances. That was who she was, “The Roberts girl who can sing.” Or “The one who plays an instrument.” At least it wasn’t just the Roberts middle child or no one at all. Her older siblings gained most of the attention in the family, all getting accepted into promenade colleges and universities. When her younger sister got pregnant at 15 everyone lost hope in the last three Roberts daughters, yet Alice graduated and got a scholarship into a great arts college somewhat redeeming her family’s name. So the summer before she’s off to New York, Alice decided to do the camp experience she always wanted, impossible by her parent’s devotion to all summer activities to her older siblings. Finally they have granted their daughter her wish…or signed her death certificate early. Personality: Alice is often completely quiet or saying as little as possible to the people around her. It’s not because she is shy, she just learned that with eight people in her house her voice often gets drowned out by another so she naturally just assumed that it’s better to be quiet. Alice always considers others before herself, she trusts easily and when she loves she loves very hard. Since Alice never got to express herself at home all of her emotions sometimes comes out very strongly with other people. So throughout her childhood many kids considered her too intense to be friends with. Despite this she isn’t socially awkward, thanks to teen dramas and magazines. One unexpected trait of hers is the massive temper that resides deep inside that can completely alter her entire demeanor.