Looking at the group the teenager in the black robes watched the the group closely for a second as he leaned on the wall before he became bored by their actions. Though as soon as he walked away he noticed a girl come in by the name of Rachel. As the yellow suited kid introduced everyone he pointed the cloaked individual out and soon after said that they had to eat fast and be ready for their mission, in his eyes the kid was both cockey and trying to force himself in a leadership role. [i]' He needs to learn his place if he thinks he can just order me around and pretend he's leader like that.'[/i] was his only thought on the issue. As the masked teenager looked at the group, he also thought on how they were interacting with one another. It was weird to say the very least for him though without any surprise one of them fell and landed on something made of metal that was meant to cook these "pancakes", something he has never heard of before. With another glance around the room he noticed that this girl named Rachel was showing off her weapons, specifically knife skills. Now the teenager felt rather uncomfortable and so he clutched his two bags in his hands, one of which made the sound of coins shaking in it, and walked out of the kitchen room. To his surprise, as soon as soon as he was out of the room he could hear the sound of metal cutting into the wall behind him. As soon as he looked back he could see the knife in the wall though his eyes looked directly at her, unmoved by her actions or even her showing off. By just looking at her he could tell she was awkward in interacting with people in general. She seemed careless and she seemed as though she was trying so hard to impress the group, even if it meant harming other members of the group. She probably is nervous though to him there was something more about her... Something that he couldn't place his finger on... maybe it was the fact that her body smelt strange to him... Even so he stared at her for only that moment, showing his thoughts about her with a stare that could be only compared with him staring through her very soul. Even then he walked completely and around the building in search on a first floor room. (I'm making a lot of assumptions here.) As he looked for the rooms he noticed a set of stairs and thought that the rooms might be on the upper floors. Looking around to make sure nobody else was following the teenager to make sure that nobody would see what would happen next, the cloaked teen soon had two large wings grew out of his back with hardly any issue as he started to fly up the stairs so that he wouldn't have to worry about them. once he was on the next floor he walked around again, and then the next floor after that and such until he finally found a hallway with all the rooms on it. Not to his surprise the humans that built this building placed their rooms on the higher floors instead of the lower ones, which was understandable since it technically was safer. Though as he walked to the room at the end of the hall something he didn't expect to see what he was about to see... The room was very large with no bed and instead a couch with a long glass table right in front of it and a television on the wall beside the door. There was another table on the far left of the room with two chairs beside it. In the back there was a very large window that shown the nothing but the forests, cliffs and the mountains of the island's nature life, along with a part of the ocean itself. Strangely the roof was raised by quite a bit though overall, other than the very large window the walls were plain grey in color. The room also had six walls instead of four, like the other rooms. This gave it the illusion that there was a box shaped hallway that lead to what the cloaked individual assumed was to be a small storage space for clothing on the other end of it. On the back wall, beside the "hallway" was three large metal cubes, the first was fully metal and plastic, the second had a metal frame and one glass window that shown colorful bags with strange images on them, and the final one was similar but it had several windows, each with a strange color of ice that was being stirred by a metal blade. Beside these cubes was yet another table of glass with a strange glass and plastic contraption that had an iron bottom that he could tell was overly hot as the liquid in this glass container was black and steaming. Beside that contraption was a plastic shelf with bags of paper and four plastic canisters that had images of a white cream being poured into a light brown liquid in a cup. These things seemed strange to the teenager and thus it was probably safer to not touch them until he found out more about them. Though it did seem weird since there was no bed or anything like the other rooms... in fact if this was a room than that would mean that there was at least six other rooms that were empty. Still, this was also the only room without a steel door, so the cloaked kid decided to make himself at home in the strange room as he began to unpack.The first thing he unpacked was a strange looking game board that was secured in the velvet blanket. Looking around for a place to set the board he noticed a glass table in the far left side of the room. The table was round and already had two chairs beside it. Slowly but surely the kid placed the blanket onto the table to act like a tablecloth as he placed the board onto it. Right after he ran to his bags and picked up six large books with strange writings on them and after a quick glance around he decided that the best place for them was the large glass table in front of the strangely long chair that was facing a strange square figure on the wall. Finally was the second bag, in which the teen-aged kid walked to the far Upper right and turned into the box like hallway as he then emptied his bag completely onto the floor. He watched as the gold, silver, platinum and gems gleamed in the light as they loudly fell onto the floor, creating a large pile, or hoard of treasure that perfectly sat onto the floor as though it was seemingly nothing. Under the mask a smile crept across his face as the teenager walked to the open door and with a smile caught his hand on fire as his draconic claws began to show in replacement of his hands. Soon he clawed the door as he burned it enough to permanently mark the door's outside with four strange mystical symbols and a practically "hand-painted" picture of a dragon onto it before closing the door and laying down onto the hoard of gold with a major sigh of relief. [i]'I got the first room fairly... I can be myself for once without having to fear judgement and to top it all off nobody suspects a single thing... This might not be how I'd love to live my life, though I can at least manage a decent living without much to worry about.'[/i] Was the last thought that went through the teenager's mind as he continued to relax in his new found room in at least a small bit of joy.