[b]Name:[/b] Liyana [b]Race:[/b] Vampire [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 117 [b]Profession/Role/Position:[/b] Mercenary [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Liyana][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/265/2/4/shakugan_no_shana__shana_render_5_by_cjsn45-d597vrb.png[/img][/hider] 5'4 in height and 118 lbs, she has long flowing red hair and would often tie it and style it many different ways, she has black eyes and fair skin. [b]Equipment:[/b] Liyana's storage, stuff that she has. Modern shuriken set x 100/5=20 in each set, she has 5 set. Laptop. Smartphone. iPad. Laptop. Headphones, sound proof. Grenade set x 4, each set is 5 grenades. Electrical propelled grenades, 10 only. Grenade Launcher, 8 loads. 4 different ammunition, default explosive, acid, flame, and nitrogen. USBx, used for saving up information. Dao Swords(Dual). Japanese War Fan, rigged with 6 blades in the edges. Binoculars. Multipurpose pocket tool. Lighter. Clothes. Dictionary. [b]Implants:[/b] N/A [b]Magic:[/b] The usual vampire abilities which are enhanced senses, strength, speed, endurance, durability. Limited telepathy, which in her case is communication only as well as limited telekinesis. Displacement is her most prized ability. -Displacement,it is a form of teleportation that allows her to teleport and move about in a certain radius, 30 meters is her range. She can't teleport mass that exceeds human and object weight, as well as she can't teleport living things because it takes time and eventually impractical. The weakness to her self teleportation is the 10 second interval. [b]Personality:[/b] Liyana is always full of surprises, she is keen in creativity for her mind is idealistic. She is like a lightning zapping a dead battery to life, in other words she is fully of energy and always has energy to spare. Valuing her independence and works accordingly with logic than emotion, not the type of person to waste time for time is gold to her but in some situation she frowns because she can't satisfy her curious and enthusiastic self. Energetic as she is, Liyana keeps her feet to the ground and hold her head up high with pride, honor before reasoning. In spite of her enthusiastic nature, deep down there are things that binds herself, when leaked, she shows a serious part of her personality, the very least, she is vulnerable and emotionally hurt when forced on a corner to make decisions thus putting up a facade in her exterior, stoic yet going with the flow. [b]Bio:[/b] A hundred years ago, Liyana was raised in France, she was born in the year 1914. She was unfortunate for experiencing World War II during her time in USA/Pearl Harbor it was horrifying as she experienced seeing her colleagues die and never get to see her loved ones again. Things that are very despicable, she was taken captive by the Japanese and things did not go so well, she became a Vampire without consent after being "R'd" by a filthy soldier. Liyana, lived her life as the world evolves through time, living to this era as a mercenary. [b]Misc:[/b] Vampire weaknesses applies, her services are available at night. Vampires don't sparkle. In spite of her experience with war, she is able to move on and be the positive person she is today, her vision is to keep moving forward, she enjoys her immortality. Liyana isn't her real name, Miyako Asami is one of her alias, her real name is a mystery. She's a mercenary, she smuggles information and takes request depending on which party gets to her first. [b]Company/Organization:[/b] One would like to call it, her own, she's a third party, she works in a certain building though.