Nyima looked at him as he held her hand after stopping her punch. Speed was not something that healing taught you, healing was a slow methodical process. She couldn't deny how nice it felt to attack, no matter how horrid she was at it. She listened to Rayn as he spoke, her eyes wide at the amount of information on the form he had in his head. She knew some of the facts but others it was the first time hearing. She nodded her head and thought about it, "So... kind of like if someone were to run at me... Rather than pushing them away... Pulling them passed would be wiser since I wouldn't have fight their weight and their momentum would work against them." She scratched the back of her head, "Right?" She held up her hands when he said he was going to find her a water bender to teach her. She shook her head, "I can do that... You've already done so much... I was thinking of speaking with the woman at the market... Selling Northern Water Tribe wares, she's ought to know plenty of waterbenders.... I figured I'd ask her if she could point me in the right direction of a good teacher," she smiled at him, "You really don't have to do everything for me..."