I've been wanting to do more horror games, hopefully I'll be accepted (and hopefully I'll actually finish the CS) :) [hider=Chris WIP] [center] [URL=http://s1252.photobucket.com/user/Gankona13/media/tumblr_mp2qn9DILC1qha82go1_500_zpse72ca509.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh579/Gankona13/tumblr_mp2qn9DILC1qha82go1_500_zpse72ca509.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: Christina "Chris" Green Age: Nineteen Gender: Female Bio: Living the average life of an American young adult, Appearance: Chris is a rather tall girl, with a slim, breast-less body type and angular face. Her hair is cropped short and black, while her eyes are a deep green. Often makeup less, Chris was practically known around her school for having more freckles than anyone else, much to her dismay. Dresses in rather comfortable clothing, especially when at the camp, and has an array of tattoos on her arms and hands. [/center][/hider]