Rachel shrugged as Sayaka started preaching about not endangering allies. "We will be going up against guys who won't hesitate to kill us. Should you get taken hostage or fail to notice someone sneaking up on you, pray I am around and prepared to use my knives without hesitation." Rachel replied calmly and flatly, not wanting to start an argument but not backing down either. This was the one thing she hated a out the superhero types - they were all so caught up in their morality and ideals. Rachel grew up on the battlefield. She grew up with the knowledge that you did what you needed to do to get your men back home. She had to be good at what she did and she had come to a point where she would never hit anything she didn't intend to. "Well, I can see we're off to a great start. I'm not really in the mood for pancakes any more; I'll be in my room." Rachel placed her hands on her seat and flipped herself up into a handstand, her top sliding down her toned abs and revealing them to the boys, before she flipped herself back onto her feet on the floor. She walked out and without turning issued her warning to the gang. "Oh, and I might possibly be more jumpy than Batman so please knock first if you don't want to end up in the hospital or morgue." She turned around and flashed a sweet smile before taking that final step backwards out of the kitchen. "Never try to enter when I'm not in there either. Unless you want test your luck with my booby traps." Rachel returned to her room, skipping. She passed by some guy in the room and greeted him cheerfully before returning to the room she had picked and fishing out her tools from her duffel bag. She had not been kidding when she said she was setting up traps. The electronic lock was now wired into the door so that the pass code would disable the live current running through the metal door. It also meant any attempt to place charges on her door would only set off the explosives instantly. A small, discreet camera was set up in the corner with facial recognition software - the door would automatically open for Rachel and anyone else she gave free access to, and if a member of the team did try their luck, it would lower the voltage on the door to be less lethal. She set up a tripwire attached to a stun grenade. Normally she would make the trap a lot more deadly, but didn't want to damage anything in the room. She would have to get to work on the automated turret soon as well. The ceiling vent outside her door was lined with knockout gas and poison darts, which would activate as well if alarms went off in the base. Just to make sure nobody could remove that trap, she wrapped barbed wire around the inside of the vent cover and ran it to a power source as well. It took the better part of an hour and by the time she was Rachel was almost wishing one of them would try to enter her room. She was certain she was on the team's shit list now, so instead of going back to the kitchen for food, Rachel opted for instant noodles, using the hot water in the bathroom to cook it.