[quote=CallaLily180] I can't even post, I need a recap. [/quote] [center][u][b]Your Last Post[/b][/u][/center] [quote=CallaLily180] Bambi turned to the girl, she kept her smile on though in all reality she wanted to frown. This was hard, this was....boring and she couldn't do anything and she had to go out somewhere and she wanted a pool too and this place was certainly unfair...she tossed her thoughts out of the floor to ceiling window in her head. "Yeah, I'm Sedition. We haven't picked a leader because Sedition is lame...and all over the place." [/quote] [b][u]Recap Since Your Last Post[/u][/b] [hider=Savant Recap][list][*]Flint voted for Dahlia, showing off his Bokken and talking about his goal to maintain peace, order and control.[/*] [*]Sebastian pointed out Dahlias lack of Anger Manangement and her large Ego.[/*] [*]Anastasia asked how Sebastian intends on implementing his goals. Also commented to Flint that his Bokken was a "nice stick".[/*] [*]Sebastian stated that crime would equal punishment and no one would desire to do wrong because of said punishments, only the smartest people would teach, etc. [/*] [*]Flint got upset at Anastasia insulting his Bokken and threatened to show her the proper use.[/*] [*] Lauren(Halcyon) broke it up between Flint/Anastasia. ((Also, mentioned detention and that no one come back from it.))[/*] [*]Sebastian briefly asked about detention then declared that the Savant vote by standing next to the candidate they want.[/*] [*]Anastasia clarified to Sebastian that while he had ideal, Dahlia had fear & force on her side. Anastasia voted for Dahlia.[/*] [*]Katherin asked for some to point her to the Savant leader. Sebastian told her it had yet to be decided. Katherin stated she'd wait.[/*] [*]Flint acknowledged that at least Anastasia knew what a leader looked like, reminding Katherin she'd have to cast a vote.[/*] [*]Katherin refused, stating it was not in her pamphlet of instructions to vote.[/*] [*]Dahlia told Katherin that while it may not be in the brochure, Lauren (Halcyon Leader/Greeter) had already stated on several occasions that we could not enter until Leaders had been chosen per the Admins orders.[/*][/list][/hider] [hider=Halcyon Recap][list][*]Ali and Lauren had a brief conversation about arts, comparing the utensils they each use to draw. (Ali: Colored Pencils Mostly, Charcoal and Paint Sometimes. Lauren: Pencils and Colored Pencils. Hasn't quite figured out Paints.)[/*] [*]Lauren reminds everyone that they cannot get inside to eat until leaders have been chosen.[/*] [*]Lauren breaks up confrontation between Anastasia and Flint (Savant).[/*] [*]Gwen (Savant) walked over to Lauren and apologized for her factions behavior. [/*] [*]Jack introduces himself to the Halcyon group.[/*] [*]Lauren again states that we're waiting on the Savant group to decide and for Sedition to pick as well.[/*] [*]Edward greets Jack.[/*] [*]Jack makes a comment to Edward about having picked the right group.[/*] [*]Liz asked who was in charge of Halcyon. Lauren introduces herself and all of the Halcyon members. Liz introduces herself.[/*] [*]Thomas greets Lauren. Lauren asks if he's joining Halcyon.[/*] [*]Edward notices that Lauren is cute.[/*] [*]Liz asks Lauren about the dorms.Lauren explain dorms location and re invites Edward into the conversation. [/*] [*]Edward restates his interest and nervously laughs. Lauren apologizes while laughing and blushes slightly. Asks him about Digital art. Edward begins to rant on and stops himself, feeling a little embarrassed. [/*] [*]Thomas interjects that the Halcyon group seems to be the most normal group.[/*][/list][/hider] [hider=Sedition Recap][list][*]Bambi tells Lauren that Sedition is lame for not being able to pick a leader.[/*] [*]Roxy throws away her flier, mentioning the the name 'Sedition' doesn't seem an adequate name for a bunch of trouble makers. Asks who the leader of the Sedition is.[/*][/list][/hider] --- [s]I'll do the other two groups next. Gotta go back through the posts but wanted to at least post what I had gotten. Edit: Only Sedition left.[/s] Edit: Wow. Sedition was the shortest section. Perhaps I should make a Sedition character.