HangYourSecrets and DR_TRAPEZOID prefer to play a male. Mach2 prefers to play female. Espiculeas and I have yet to choose a preference. I might try for a more miraculous ability akin to stealing "bad luck" through close proximity (mentally debating on whether it should be physical contact or a small range around the mutant). Basically, the people around the mutant wouldn't really have much if any "bad luck," meaning only normal and lucky situations are ahead~ Sounds useful, but a single entity with a vast amount of bad luck will probably outweigh a few individuals with a bit of good luck. It'll probably be a temporary effect, like ten or so minutes (I'm still thinking of the effects of it being a day long or only a couple of minutes, trying to find a good middle ground). There's also the problem that the mutation is indiscriminate, stealing the bad luck of [i]both friend and foe[/i], but that's just a minor detail right? But I'll keep brainstorming different mutations, perhaps something less... magical.