Name: Eliza Hays Age: 23 Race: Caucasian (Human?) Appearance:[img=] Gender: female Personality: Eliza is a trouble maker. Always looking for a fight, she can be just as crass and mean and downright dirty as the boys, but around Cyrus (and plenty of other members of the small town) she's sweet as a pie. She likes to get her way; try to boss her around and you'll regret it. Always has a nasty trick up her sleeve. Biography: One morning when Eliza was 7, she woke up with a black eye and a few bruised ribs. It wasn't the first time this had happened; she liked to talk back, and her daddy liked her to shut up and do what he said. Eliza didn't think he was very smart, and she was right. That morning, she rolled put of bed, marched into the kitchen, kicked her abusive father (who was passed out drunk on the floor) in the shins and skipped out the door. She hopped onto a passing caravan, scraped her knee and hopped off in Paradise, where Cyrus took her in and raised her in his church. At the age of 23, Eliza is now a fiesty little marksman who likes to wear trousers under her skirts, and pistols under her trousers. Raised in a house of God, she can recite every hymn and proverb you throw at her, but the ten commandments are not her forte. She's rumoured to have shot a man's private bits clean off, and the spinsters swear they saw her kissing Charlotte Newman last summer. Cyrus taught her everything she knows about guns and what to shoot them at, and she's become quite the monster hunter in the past few years. Equipment: [url=]Winchester 1866 Yellow Boy[/url] [url=]2x M1873 calvary pistol[/url] [url='s%201890's%20Derringer.jpg]Remington 1888 Double Derringer[/url] Abilities/Disadvantages: Surpassing Cyrus in marksmanship (most likely due to her superior eyesight), she is most adept at long-range fighting, but she's not all that bad at shooting anything that moves, no matter how far away. She is fast and her reflexes are quick, but she's weak and light as a feather. This can be an advantage in some situations, but she's absolutely useless at any type of melee or hand-to-hand combat.