Name: Niiu (knee-you) Age: 19 Race: Human (bearing a witch's curse) Appearance: [img=] (5'8") Gender: Female Personality: Niiu is shy and reclusive due to her curse. She disdains her image, the red pattern across her skin and the scar through her eye, she hates it all. The poor lass tries not to associate herself with too many people, for she fears judgement and scorn. She takes time to trust people, and only will if they've proven themselves. Although she is distant and almost completely anti-social, she can defend herself when put into a dangerous situation. She tries to keep her mind pure, but gruesome thoughts and ideas appear in her mind accompanied by imagery; an unfortunate part of her curse. When she can't take anymore, she goes into an emotionally comatose state, feeling very little if at any emotion. Biography: For as long as she could remember, she has lived in Paradise. As a youngling, she was naive and careless, luckily her parents were rather protective, so she never really got any more hurt than the childhood scrapes and bruises. Although she was young, her father encouraged her to go into the business of blacksmiths, and it took her years before she realized the meaning of this. Her father wanted her to be able to create weapons to use when she was older....As she entered her teenage years, the stories reached her ears, and they shocked her. In their little town? There was no way in her mind that she could believe such things. There just wasn't enough evidence to support those people's claims. So, being rebellious, she would take walks through the forest, mostly at its edge. Her parents never caught wind of it, so she was free to continue her 'dangerous' exploration. Every day, she'd go a little further, stay a little longer. Her luck soon took a sharp turn for the worst and ran out. She could hear women's voices, and assumed it was just an ill-minded joke. The calming silence of the forest being broken by chanting and various fallen or dry plants being crushed underfoot. By now she'd become a bit edgy, but she was determined not to run from something she figured was a prank. So she stood her ground, although really she was simply too afraid to move. Women clad in dark clothing surrounded her, chanting and occasionally tossing a powder at her. The air Niiu breathed soon became too hot and stuffy, making her cough and gasp for breath, even though she was inhaling, all she could feel was heat. So much heat. It began to spread all throughout her left side, Just as she heard multiple gun shots and slicing noises, her vision failed and she collapsed unconscious on the forest floor. She awoke in her home, later that day, only just recalling that it was her 16th birthday. She felt like stone, and could hardly move. However, she was on her side, mostly undressed, and gasped at what she saw as she looked down at herself. Red marred her skin, a pattern swirling down her entire left side, They looked like scabs and burned where the blanket and her clothing touched them. Her parents did their best to help hide it, but whatever they did only inflamed it or made it bleed, so eventually she just stopped going outside, too scared to face the world again. In her homely domain, she wore the bare minimum, so that the pain was reduced greatly, although she was looked down upon as some sort of harlot, disgusting for dressing in a way that exposed much of her skin, and for the marks that turned into scars by the next year. Through that time, she noticed what it had truly done to her. It was an influence that made her want to do cruel things. It created voices in her head that told her to kill or to harm. It told her to steal and ruined her conscious. Several months after she had turned 18, her parents never returned from their short trip to the local shops for groceries, and Niiu, after starving for several days, had to once more face the world. She wore men's jeans, trimmed into shorts, mid calve boots, and a tank top, which was usually cut halfway to prevent more cloth than necessary to burn her skin. As she fended for herself, the town's condition only worsened, and she spent the next year of her life creating weapons that best suited her needs for revenge against whatever had killed her parents. Equipment: [url=] Gun-knife [/url] x2 (one at each hip) [url=] Sword [/url] x1 (4.5 feet long blade, strapped to her back in its leather covered scabbard) Abilities/Disadvantages: She can wield a blade fairly, and hold her own against most, but her curse can weaken her physically, but mostly mentally, and it alters her judgment enough so at times that she cannot always tell who is the enemy and who is an aquaintance. Plus whenever her ammunition is used, she has to personally make more, to fit her custom gun-knife.